Associate's. Check.
Moving on to Bachelor's. Check.
My new institution heavily believes in group projects though, and I'm told to expect at least one every class. The next two years just got much, much longer.
Factor in the teachers who want to spoonfeed these dick wagons that don't want to contribute, or jump in last minute and act like they're really "trying their best, it's just so hard!" Spare me. Every one of your posts, emails, and class interactions are done after 5pm on Sunday, don't meet the requirements, or sound like you said the first thing that came to mind. You're clearly either not trying, your workload's too heavy, or you suck at time management. None of those are my fault.
I give a shit about my grade. I've fallen down the rabbit hole with loans, and plan to at least get a strong GPA out of it. Just because I care about my grades doesn't mean you should be entitled to share my rewards without any effort of your own.
And I know group projects are supposed to build your ability to work together, prepare you for your job, blah blah blah. I've been working for the past 10 years of my life. Those people are motivated to do their part because their livelihood is on the line. Something that takes that much money away from you should also be an inspiring boot in the ass though, right? Doesn't happen as often as you'd hope. (Granted, there are people like this at work as well, but if the problem becomes serious, their consequences are much more dire, like getting fired. Any teacher's response has been to be patient and just hope the other person comes through. How about "no" and "fuck you"?)
Also, why the fuck am I paying for teachers who are instituting this bullshit approach so they have fewer things to grade? I'm paying the big bucks, my classes are small, why shouldn't I have that extra bit of attention? It doesn't stop the syllabus from having expansive research papers from everyone due weekly, so why do we have to throw in this ridiculous "extra project" to demonstrate which students are taking the time and making the effort?
Starting to wonder if this whole thing is a waste of money...
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